Don't Miss THIS When on Kaua'i:

You are on the island of Kaua'i for...what, maybe a week? So much to much to see! Yet if you blink your eye, you may miss out on something truly amazing.

In South Shore Po'ipu enjoying the world class beaches, restaurants, shopping, hiking and surfing? How about the Hawaiian culture?

Let me show you one thing you should NOT miss while here.

What is new... but very old? A 500 year old Heiau being restored at Po'ipu Beach Park.

In 1959 Henry Kekahuna, of Bishop Museum, surveyed, mapped and described a fully functional and self sustaining complex that served a very particular and important function in Kaua'i society prior to the 1800's.

That's the old...

In 2010 the County of Kaua'i set up Hawaii's first stewardship  agreement between a county government and a non-profit group Hui Malama o Kanei'olouma. This group of Volunteers is presently reclaiming and revealing the remnants of an ancient Hawaiian village! The 13 acre complex, previously overgrown and hidden, contains numerous habitation, cultivation, sporting, assembly, and religious structures dating back to the mid-1400's.

That's the New...

This historic landmark is considered sacred to the Hawaiian culture.
At the site you will see remnants of housesites, fishponds, taro fields, aboveground irrigation channels, shrines, altars and idol sites. Lying relatively undisturbed...all near the scene of epic battles!

Near the center of the complex lies what may be the only intact Makahiki sporting arena in Hawaii.

At this time the Hui has placed several Interpretive signs and a viewing platform so that you can see much of the current and future restoration as it happens.

Culturally, this Heiau and community agricultural site will become a heritage place...a marker for Native Hawaiians to identify with their prehistory and ancestry.

Take a moment and stop on your way to Poi'pu beach to witness some real Hawaiiana.



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