Kaua'i Bon Dancing

Kauai Bon Dances 2017:

I acquired my traveling bug early on. As a child I was an Army Brat. My family moved so often I attended a dozen schools from 1st grade through High School. One of my favorite places to have landed during those early years was Japan. We were just outside of Tokyo...not the Tokyo you know of today, but the Tokyo shortly after WWII. Still shells of building chared and bombed out, it was an amazing experience for a young boy.

One of my most vivid and pleasant memories of Japan was the OBON or Bon Dance season. An amazing whirl of colorful kimonos and dramatic and powerful Taiko Drums filled me with awe. Now years later, I get to relive those boyhood memories right here on Kaua'i.

With a high percentage of Asian population on Kaua'i, (31% according to the last census) including; Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, this 500 year old Japanese tradition of honoring spirits of ancestors has been Hawaiianized. Arriving here with the Japanese laborers brought in to work the sugar plantations of Hawaii the Bon Dance season is shortened here and usually lasts during the summer months, early June through early August.

These joyous and happy gatherings are open to the general public and attended by both visitors and locals. Each Bon Dance is a local community favorite and locals will come from all sides of the island. You do not have to be Buddhist to attend or participate, in fact, most are not.

Here's what happens at a Bon Dance. There is a center post or tower around which the dancers perform the traditional dances. In that center there are usually a set of large Taiko drums that are played to keep the beat for each dance. Music accompanies the drums and the dancers travel around the drums and tower all dancing the same steps and hand gestures.

Don't be afraid to jump right in and join in the dance! You'll see traditional colorful summer kimonos as well as shorts and t-shirts in the dance line. People of all ages and background join this community and family event.

And the food! Try a traditional plate dinner, BBQ or, my favorite, the flying saucers! Like a tasty small empanada with ground beef inside. All this is fundraising for the Buddhist churches on Kaua'i.
If you're looking for an interesting place to go on a weekend evening on Kaua'i, and I will say here that there isn't much nighttime activity, come to a Bon Dance. You can watch from the sidelines, or join right in. Grab a seat or bring your own beach chair.

Also it's a great opportunity to step into the Buddhist Temple hosting the dance and a way to escape the flurry of activity outside. Remember, you don't need to be Buddhist for any and all of the event. It's a great way to meet locals and there is no entrance fee.

2017 Bon Dance Schedule

 June 2-3           WKHM-Hanapepe 
June 9-10         Lihue Hongwanji 
June 16-17       Waimea Shingon 
June 23-24       Kapaa Jodo Mission 
June 30-July 1  No Bon Dance
July 7-8             WKHM-Waimea 
July 14-15         Kapaa Hongwanji 
July 21-22         Waimea Higashi Hongwanji 
July 28-29         Kauai Soto Zenshuji 
Aug 4-5              Koloa Jodo Mission

Kaua'i Bon Dance, a unique and very Kaua'i experience!
Hope to see you at the dance.



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