Flowering Trees of Kaua'i
Flowering Trees of Kaua'i As I drive around my beautiful island of Kaua'i, I am one lucky guy to see the flowering trees everywhere. It is summer here as I write this and the blossoms are exploding. Brisk summer trade winds carry blossoms in the air and the fragrant aroma of Hawaii is ubiquitous. The explosion of colors from trees and perennial plants paints the island in Monet hues and splashes. Here are some of my favorites that you will see when you visit my beautiful Kaua'i. PLUMERIA My favorite tree on the Hawaiian islands is the Plumeria. Its flowers are wonderfully fragrant and are frequently strung into Leis or worn tucked behind the ear so that their perfume can be enjoyed by the wearer. However, once the flower is strung, the blossom will wither quickly, though the fragrance lingers. There are about five different kinds of Plumeria. You will most likely see two as you travel the island. The White with yellow center (Singapore Plumeria) flowers in...