Koloa Plantation Days

2017 Koloa Plantation Days It's late July here on Kaua'i. School starts up in a couple of weeks, 100,000+ bustling vacationers are on the island and everyone is in fun mode. What to do? Where to go? Where to eat? How to spend precious moments on this paradise island? You are in luck, because it's Koloa Plantation Days in Old Koloa town and South shore Poipu! For 30 years the local community and Visitors industry have worked together to make this community event one of the most anticipated on the island. Many visitors actually schedule their vacations here on Kaua'i to coincide with Koloa Plantation Days. During a 10 day whirlwind of activities and events, thousands of locals and visitors take part in the celebration. You and your family can participates in any or all, (though all could be exhausting!), of these family oriented events of a plantation lifestyle that no longer exists: ...