
Koloa Plantation Days

2017 Koloa Plantation Days It's late July here on Kaua'i. School starts up in a couple of weeks, 100,000+ bustling vacationers are on the island and everyone is in fun mode. What to do? Where to go? Where to eat? How to spend precious moments on this paradise island? You are in luck, because it's Koloa Plantation Days in Old Koloa town and South shore Poipu! For 30 years the local community and Visitors industry have worked together to make this community event one of the most anticipated on the island. Many visitors actually schedule their vacations here on Kaua'i to coincide with Koloa Plantation Days. During a 10 day whirlwind of activities and events, thousands of locals and visitors take part in the celebration. You and your family can participates in any or all, (though all could be exhausting!), of these family oriented events of a plantation lifestyle that no longer exists:                         ...
Don't Miss THIS When on Kaua'i: You are on the island of Kaua'i for...what, maybe a week? So much to much to see! Yet if you blink your eye, you may miss out on something truly amazing. In South Shore Po'ipu enjoying the world class beaches, restaurants, shopping, hiking and surfing? How about the Hawaiian culture? Let me show you one thing you should NOT miss while here. What is new... but very old? A 500 year old Heiau being restored at Po'ipu Beach Park. In 1959 Henry Kekahuna, of Bishop Museum, surveyed, mapped and described a fully functional and self sustaining complex that served a very particular and important function in Kaua'i society prior to the 1800's. That's the old... In 2010 the County of Kaua'i set up Hawaii's first stewardship  agreement between a county government and a non-profit group Hui Malama o Kanei'olouma. This group of Volunteers is presently reclaiming and revealing the remnants o...

Flowering Trees of Kaua'i

Flowering Trees of Kaua'i As I drive around my beautiful island of Kaua'i, I am one lucky guy to see the flowering trees everywhere. It is summer here as I write this and the blossoms are exploding. Brisk summer trade winds carry blossoms in the air and the fragrant aroma of Hawaii is ubiquitous. The explosion of colors from trees and perennial plants paints the island in Monet hues and splashes. Here are some of my favorites that you will see when you visit my beautiful Kaua'i. PLUMERIA My favorite tree on the Hawaiian islands is the Plumeria. Its flowers are wonderfully fragrant and are frequently strung into Leis or worn tucked behind the ear so that their perfume can be enjoyed by the wearer. However, once the flower is strung, the blossom will wither quickly, though the fragrance lingers. There are about five different kinds of Plumeria. You will most likely see two as you travel the island. The White with yellow center (Singapore Plumeria) flowers in...
Hamburger hankerin':                  There seems to be no end to the controversy over who invented the hamburger. Not that I dwell on this obscure subject too often, I'm just saying...everyone has a theory. No mater it's origins, the current form of beef patty, bun, lettuce, tomato, onion and maybe pickles is an international favorite. A truly American standard. Just ask the people of Seymore, Wisconsin where you can attend the annual "Burger Fest", claiming one of the possible fathers of the current day hamburger  ( Charlie Nagreen). Doesn't really matter to me who started it, as long as I can get one when I want one. So often as I tool around the island I get one of those hankerings for a good old burger. And though there are few local burger joints on Kaua'i (No White Castles or In-N-Out Burger),  I have found my way to most of them over the years. Today we'll tackle just three of them: The biggest local chain of...